Saturday, October 10, 2020

January 2020

Grandma helped us rake up and bag our leaves. It was a big job!

Jacob and Mike Worked on getting the truck running. The kids approved 😉

Another project. Janice had seen something similar in a store and asked me if I could make one for Gina/Maddy. It turned out so cute & I got to try out my scroll saw that I got for Christmas.

Since both of the kids are now in primary and we were studying the Book of Mormon this year... I decided to make them little church bags and get them each their own BoM.

They were so eager to read scriptures every night! (Although the novelty has worn off and we need to get back on track to better study practices) 😬

Cute kids are church! & Wilson's 1st day in primary!! (officially... we had the sunbeams coming to singing time the last few weeks of 2019)

Giving Daddy hugs before he leaves for work. Wilson gives the BEST hugs and cuddles! Seriously!

How they fell asleep 😂 I think Kayla actually fell asleep 1st and he got lonely and climbed into bed with her. Haha.

Kayla made this and it made me giggle 😂 it says, "Wilson, what's going on." lol

I spy some little helpers 😍

She climbed in to our bed one morning and fell back asleep 😍

Playing at the park with some cute friends!!

Busy collecting

Finally got my red beans and rice recipe down just right!! 🙌

Dinner and a treat

It's kind of hard to see... but our street floods pretty easily. And the drain is right in front of our house, so we get the worst of it. You can kind of see the water/debris line... but also, someone decided to drive through our grass to go around it and left huge ruts... still sucks mowing bc of it 😡
It's actually really stupid (because of the huge metal drain that most people don't realize is there) and I'm surprised more people don't pop their tire from trying to go around the flooded street through our yard. Anyways... 😜

Wilson comes to our bed all the time in the middle of the night. One night he walked in right as I was getting ready to go to bed and he cuddle in my legs and went right back to sleep... and then I noticed his babies under his shirt 😂😂😂 I left him there for a minute or two and then told him to go back to his bed (thankfully he's really good about going back, so I don't mind the cuddles) ...But I noticed he lost his babies going back. Lol.

We lost a good pair of pants to the Chick-fil-a playground. Surprisingly we haven't lost more clothes between the 2 kids just being kids 😜 and it's silly because these are cheap Walmart pants... but I did really like them. Oh well.

A cookie smile. I thought it was cute and sent it to Jacob.

How many pairs of sunglasses does a kid need!?

Big big whoops... I got into the car and realized Jacob had left his keys in it all night 😬 (total fluke, it never happens...)
I'm pretty paranoid and am fairly good about making sure the car is locked, even when I'm not the one driving. but there are kids that walk around the neighborhood pulling door handles... So I'm seriously thankful no one took our car!!!

She's so beautiful and I love her so much!

In the dirty clothes basket in the bathroom... Why Wilson... Why!? 😜

Dog pile on Mom 

He wasn't close enough to Mom and he was throwing a fit. Wilson used to be really bad at the gym and would scream and scream if I put him in the play area when other kids were around. He has gotten SO much better, but still has his moments. Especially if he's tired or there's just too many kids.
But really, he has improved SOOOO much with his social anxiety or being attached to me or maybe he was anti social!! Whatever it is... it's gotten better!

Running errands and my tire popped as I left the Walmart parking lot 😔
Jacob to the rescue! 😍 Although he likes to give me the hardest time about me popping tires... it's happened twice in the whole time we've known each other. And I blame the roads... he blames my driving though. Punk 😜

Beautiful girl! And the sky looked so pretty in the background too!

Wilson all cuddled up in the blanket and Daddy's lap as Daddy slept 😂

Grandma & Grandpa came for Kayla's birthday. They brought the kid's exchange presents (all the Rucks grandkids rotate names each Christmas) from Christmas since we didn't go to Texas. Wilson got a little soccer ball and goals from the Esquivels.

Grandma also brought Valentine's day gifts. Wilson was loving the phone from the paw patrol book she gave him!

She fell asleep with her Elsa doll that Grandma and Papa gave her for her birthday.

I know the Mowers gave her the Elsa jacket. I'm pretty sure they also gave her the Elsa dress (if not then it was Grandma). She was so excited to be decked out in Elsa gear though!!

Some glittery lip gloss to complete her look 😉

They wanted to sleep in the toy room

Bunk beds!! These were mine when I was growing up. They had been at the Esquivels house for a while. They moved into a new house and switched up beds. Grandma and Papa were taking them home... but didn't necessarily need them, so we took them off of their hands 😉 The kids are thrilled!!!

Cute 4 year old going to bed... and tomorrow she'll be 5!!

Happy Birthday to my sweet 5 year old!!!
So happy with her birthday card (I don't normally make a card, but she kept mentioning a birthday card, so I made one just for her), an Elsa dress, Frozen legos, an Elsa necklace, and a barrel of monkeys game!

Papa got some donuts for the birthday girl's breakfast. He found Kayla a pink one with sprinkles and even found a blue one for Wilson! 


A sweet friend was talking to my Mom at church and thought my Mom had said she was in town for my birthday. So she showed up with a cupcake and sang happy birthday to me... and then I told her it was actually Kayla's birthday. It was so sweet of her to go out of her way to come and celebrate us... I made sure to let her know that Kayla and I both appreciated it so much!!

More lip gloss 😜

Building her Frozen tree house

She got some new kitchen toys from Grandma McConnell

Lots of love and goofiness from Daddy

My cute little shopping buddies 😍

Birthday cards from Bella/the Ruskes

And her thank you card...
"Dear Bella thanks for being the best cousin ever happy birthday love Kayla"
Bella's birthday is a few weeks after Kayla's.

Some how he ended up asleep in our bed after we put him to bed in his room 😜

She loves word searches 

I found Jacob's plans for our tv stand. We ended up not doing the drawer (we have too many game systems 😳, he disagrees 😜) and we have all the pieces to assemble and add doors... but I still have decided if I want them or not.

Poor sicky boy 😢

Cute, cute girl!!

I know it probably doesn't seem like it, because I post so many pictures of the kids sleeping (I'm weird and obsessed with how sweet they look when they're asleep. Lol) But Wilson does not nap. he hasn't for a long time. So you know he really needs it when he does... Here he's still not feeling 100% from being sick.

She colored a cute picture of a penguin. We had to send it to Aunt Gina.

After a busy/messy time at the park (see mud splatters all over her pants 😳). Our favorite park has a little library and we like to bring/take books. This time they found "There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bat". She read it to Wilson on the way home and it melted me 😍 Also, I am so impressed with and proud of her reading skills!! 

Kayla was actually fussing and Jacob was trying to tickle/cheer her up 😂 

I got a new coat from Sam's Club (on clearance) and I love it!!

Apparently we go to Sams a lot. because I just got this coat and then I was back again with it on 😂
Kayla was being so sweet and cuddling me as we walked... and then Wilson joined in 😍

Trying to get the pretty sunset in our picture

Birthday present from the Seckingers came! She loves it!!

The picture on the left popped up in my memories and I had to recreate it 😍
They're so precious but they grow way too fast 😭

One more sleeping picture... sometimes they fall asleep in the weirdest positions 😂

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