Wednesday, October 7, 2020

August 2019


I am over a year behind on updating my blog. Bless me. Here I go trying to remember everything and unloading a million pictures 😜

The kids decided they needed to wear long pants... in August, in the south... Wilson had a little growth spurt since winter and his pants were high waters. Haha.

What a goob, walking on my back.

Wilson loves mail! He took an envelope and put it on his head. It reminded me of Jacob in his blues. Lol.

I got brave and made the kids oobleck. Kayla loved it! Wilson liked it for a moment... but then kept asking me to clean his hands every time he touch it. Which is surprising for him, he loves being outside and getting dirty.

The local library always has the best decorations set up!

After I rough morning, I had banished myself to the bedroom. Then I got this text from Jacob. He's the best 😘

Playing at the park/splash pad. I hate the sand... they always have so much fun though!!

Drip drying with the breeze from the swings before we leave.

Forewarning: I take A LOT of pictures of my kids when they're sleeping.
They're just so sweet and innocent and not causing chaos 😜

The cutest helpers!


I love my cuddles with my sweet babies 💖

Busy playing 

More sweet cuddles with my cute Kayla girl!

I had told him he could have more watermelon if he did something (probably go finish his lunch). But then I got distracting eating it because it was so good and I finished it. His crocodile tears made me feel especially bad. It was really good watermelon though 😬

Little monkey is always climbing on anything and everything!

They love riding the horse at Kroger!

Crazy kids. I love them so much 💖
It's stinking hard being a mom and trying to teach little ones to be decent human beings. There's a lot of hard... so I cherish all the good I can.

Hiding under his blanket just enough to keep watching what ever was scary. Haha.

Random selfie of me because I never put any effort into myself and have to document the few times I do 😜

She's got her own ideas and as much as it drives me crazy at times, I absolutely love her for it!!

So schleeeeeeppppppyyyyyyy!! 😍

So proud of her cute picture! It was her family at a butterfly garden.

Love my little family 

Crazy kid!

Storytime tea party. They loved it!!

They love legos so much! And I love how much & how well they play with them. But I'm also slightly OCD. I bought these containers to organize the legos (by color). Then one day, Jacob decided to go even further and use the dividers to organize all the colors by their different shades. So now I have to put them all where they belong... but my kids don't get that 😫 Wilson likes to pull out all the legos and leave them all over the table. And Kayla gets upset because she can't find the pieces she needs. And I don't want to help b/c the legos are everywhere and it would be so simple if the ones they weren't using were in the boxes. So long story short... I also hate the legos 😬

Climbed into our bed and fell asleep

Took all the random broken crayons and made them into stars. The kids never use them though, so that's cool 😜 In their defense though, they do love using markers.

Wilson is a little water baby! He loves the water and would just sit like this all night if I let him. Spoiler alert, I don't let him and gets very upset with me 😜

Jacob has been working swing shift for a while... about 3pm-11pm... I told Wilson to tell Daddy bye since we were leaving and he'd be at work when we got back. He misunderstood and thought I was leaving him. Poor kid. Lol.

Our ward did a fun World Culture Night at church one evening.

The kids had so much fun

And also basically ate candy and deserts for dinner. They were thrilled. Haha.

Random selfie because I actually got dressed and I was feeling good about myself (yay for being consistent at the gym... but remember this post is over a year behind in writing and A LOT has happened since then... Quarantine, pregnancy, not working out for a long time 😳)

We found a beautiful rainbow while driving one day and Kayla LOVED it!!! She kept looking for it and singing "I like to look for rainbows, when ever there is rain." She was also pretty distraught when she could no longer see it....

But the giant stuffed animals and Barnes and Noble made her feel better... until we had to leave and she was devastated alllll over again.

Sweet cuddles 😍

Jacob and his Dad made me a new TV stand. Jacob finally finished staining and putting the finish on and we got it in the house. They did so good!! 😍 I'm still undecided on if I want doors on it or not (still, over a year later too 😜) So we have all the pieces for the doors ready to be assembled if I ever change my mind.

Also had to rearrange my pictures, since the TV now covered them on the other wall. I like it!

Cute princess!

...Sleepy princess!

Brother fell asleep too!

The kids ALWAYS beg me to push around this big cart... and then they act all crazy!!

I wanted to remember Wilson telling Jacob this as he was getting ready to walk out the door to work. "I wanted to go to work with you."

Kayla distraught one day that I could possibly imagine heading to the store by myself 😜

Working on her bridge

The kids got temporary tattoos from some where (maybe the library?) Kayla was thrilled with hers, and happily watching Mr. Roger's neighborhood... Wilson decided he did not like it 😬

Some projects I've been working on...
Dallas LDS Temple

A quote my MIL liked and wanted for her wall.

"Hugs & Kisses for Omi Love Kayla & Wilson"

A vase of handprint flowers the kids made for Omi's birthday

Passed by this one the way to Dallas. He's got a mini dump truck strapped down too 😂

Jacob and the kids went down to Bryan to stay with his parents (aka grandma took care of the kids 😜) while I flew out to Utah for a few days to celebrate my grandma's (Omi) 90th birthday.

Grandma spoiled them (they still beg me to make cute things out of their food and I have still yet to do it... aside from a rare smile out of donuts and a banana 😜) Janice kept me updated with pictures while I was gone.

Kayla and grandma went to visit one of Grandma's friends and Kayla ended up with 3 lollipops at once 😂

Ready for a ride with Daddy and Grandpa!

All of my family that made it up to Utah to celebrate Omi

A beautiful view 😍

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