Saturday, February 9, 2019

October 2018

More lego creations. This is an American flag. She's still obsessed with them. I'm not even mad about a patriotic kid though ;) And she's so proud of making one. 

Riding around College Station in Ruby

"Driving" Ruby while Daddy was catching up with some friends at his old job.

So gross. Lol. But whateves... You do you girlfriend!

Pumpkin patch at The Farm Patch in Bryan

That crazy face. Hahaha!

Had to take a pic with the random tractor in the parking lot. Lol.

Apparently it's so hilarious to have your bottom being stuck in a bucket.

Out! I love me some sleepy babies.

Park fun!

Love these cute girls!!

So I mentioned that I've been doing a little bit of work with Macaroni Kid Shreveport. One of the benefits was free tickets to Paw Patrol! Live, in exchange for a review.

Kayla was thrilled!!

Wilson had just woken up from a nap and was a little out of it. He couldn't stop taking about it afterwards though!

We had such great seats!

And even got a little interaction with a cast member.

Seriously though, like 5 rows from the stage!

And my kids can't stand to both look at a camera long enough for a picture... but this was so fun!! Well, everyone had fun but Jacob ;P party pooper ;)

We went to play with Carter and Brielle and came home with a new toy. Lol. I think Eleena was trying to convince Carter that he needed to get rid of some toys before he got new ones. So what better than to give something to his little friend Wilson. Haha. Wilson LOVES it though!

He kept it close to him the next few days. It's really crazy to me that Wilson has SO many toy cars... but he actually has a legit connection to most of them. How can I purge through those things when I know he loves each and every one!? First world and aspiring minimalist probs ;)

And I've been noticing him using his imagination more too. His little cars and other toys talk to each other... "Hi Mater, I'm Lightning" and those likes. I love it <3

And little Guido fixing Cruz's tire. So cute!!


And Rey! Never ending dress up and imagination here and I love it!

Kayla and Jacob stayed home while Wilson and I ran some errands... and maybe got a little chocolate treat ;)

It's so hard being a mom... and it's also the best job ever. I think this is currently one of my favorite pictures <3

Met Eleena and Brielle at the gym to workout. And they had something set up and we ended up getting free food and the kids played for a good long while outside while we sat and talked and ate. Win, win, win, win, win!!!

I'm trying to be better about embracing the messy. It's really tough for me, but I'm trying.

And they both fell asleep on the way home!!! So many wins that day ;)

Play-doh fun!! I seriously hate that stuff... but it makes them so happy! And they could sit there for so long playing with it. It just always ends up being a huge mess. Ugh... So again, I'm trying... It's all about balance, right?

I finally got a new Fitbit after mine had been broken for like 9 months... And I was doing SO good about working out! I really like the visual of the Fitbit app... (but since then life happened and a bunch of changes and I found myself stuck again. And now I've been doing really good again... I'm trying so hard not to get distracted. Ugh... it's a vicious and constant battle.)

Silly shopping buddies...

Wilson's favorite place in primary... He sure is dang cute though!!

Found a cheap Halloween craft for them. They had fun coloring!

Kayla started using a stick of markers as her Rey stick. It kind of drove me crazy. I'm a real stickler about this is the purpose of this object so this is how we need to use it... I know, not a good trait to have with kids. I'm trying to be better about if it isn't hurting anything then it's fine. Another constant battle. Ugh... it feels like life is always about finding just the right balance and as soon as I think I've got it figured out, something else changes and needs to be balanced again.

Guess what though... we found an actually Rey stick at Dirt Cheap for like $8!! I think it was originally $18 or $20. I love that store!!!

And then we had to watch Star Wars. Duh!

Naughty naughty... but they sure are cute doing it! So I took a pic and made him get down. Lol.

Shleepy <3

Having a little picnic

On a shuttle headed to a "pumpkin shine"

Kayla especially loved the rainbow 

Saw these nativities and thought "oh that's so cute!" and then heard the lady talking about the nativity display at the LDS church... should have known! We went to it last year and really liked it. It's a neat event they put on with the whole community. Pics from this years coming soon ;)

We've found ourselves some pretty great friends! Always up to doing things with us. We get along really great. And I'm always grateful for people who are willing to put up with me ;)

Throwing fits. That 2 year old life....

Made some prizes for the combined ward chili cook off

Little one was supposed to be sleeping. I let him come sit with me on the condition that he laid down and closed his eyes... he kept needing a reminder to close his little eyes though ;)

Ready for Trunk or Treat with Grandma and Papa Ruske's ward

Just look at the phone! ;P Anyways... Kayla was thrilled to be Rey and Wilson wanted nothing to do with a costume. I brought like 3 for him to choose from!

I kept telling him if he wanted candy he had to wear a costume, so he wore it for all of like 5 minutes... Lol.

Look who else came!! We love our cousin Bella! (And Uncle Stephen and Aunt Angela!)

The best I could get with all 3 of them. Love these cuties <3

So stinking cute!!!

Beautiful Bella <3

He did not want to leave!!

Hanging out with cousins Henley and Harrison watching Brody's baseball game!

It was Brody's turn to bring the after game snacks and all the cousins lucked out with the extras ;)

Elizabeth had to head over to her game, but the rest of us grabbed some pizza before we headed back to Katy.

Crazy kid!!

Another trunk or treat with Bella! I figured between these 2 my kids were good for Halloween. It was kind of rainy on actual Halloween so it all worked out. They don't know any different ;) Jacob had been working nights for an exercise on base. So we were spending some time in Katy so that he could sleep uninterrupted during the day. Last year we missed Halloween with him too. He was still in tech school and we were between family members houses. But this exercise the base does the same time every year... so who knows when we'll do Halloween together again... I don't think Jacob is that upset though ;P And this is the first time in like 4 years we didn't do Boo-ritos at Chipotle... Oh well. That tradition was fun while it lasted. Maybe we'll try again next year.

And then we found Henley, Harrison, and Bella's other cousins, Teddy and Gabe! Wilson wanted nothing to do with pictures :P

Cute girls!

And Kayla had her first ever sleepover at Bella's house! I had no doubt that she was in great hands! Still hard for this mama to watch her baby get so big. I totally was holding back tears the next morning when they dropped her back off and Grandma's house. Who is this big girl and where is my baby!? So glad they could make these memories though. Kayla talks about sleeping at Bella's house without Mommy all the time and can't wait to do it again!

The kids were having a hard time picking just one car...

Another cheap little craft to entertain them one afternoon!

So we ended up getting the red Beetle... and then we went to Henley and Harrison's and Harrison had a yellow Shelby Cobra. Wilson thought it was his and kept getting so defensive... and then Aunt Jenny gave it to him. Spoiled kid ;) He is so obsessed with the cars though! And I'm telling you... he's got a connection with each and every one of the 50 million cars his has. It's so cute, but we have so many of them and I feel bad getting rid of them if he actually loves them....

So happy to have his cars!

Ihop was supposed to have kids eat free on halloween... but then they tried to not give it to us. Ugh... we ended up getting it but I was upset with the way it went down. The kids had fun... and barely even  touched the free food that almost wasn't free. I'm not still upset or anything.... ;P

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