Monday, February 11, 2019

December 2018

Wilson insisted on bringing his hat to church. I told him he could bring it, but it had to stay in the truck. So he wore it to the truck and then back inside the house when we got home. Hahaha. He looked SO cute doing it!

Every year our church puts on a big community nativity event. They gather nativities that people have from all over the world, they have live music by local singers and groups, a children's corner, and of course refreshments ;) I was thrilled about this... I love nativities! I even donated a lot of mine for them to use. And I helped out with the children's corner one of the evenings. When we finally got a chance to go as a family... Kayla LOVED it too!! Wilson had fallen asleep on the way there and didn't wake up until we were putting him back in the truck. And Jacob was holding him the whole time. So Kayla got baby Jesus all to herself. She even did a wardrobe change. Lol.

Showing off a cute little nativity ornament she decorated. And she's standing in front of a table with a few of the nativities that are ours. It was a beautiful event! This makes our 2nd year of attending. We can't wait to go back next year!!

Finally pulling out all of our Christmas decorations... If it were up to me, we would have done it the weekend after Thanksgiving... But I did take most all of my nativities to be used for the community event, and wouldn't have them back until the 2nd. And Jacob's family always put up decorations on the 1st Monday of December. So I guess it all worked out ;P I'm gonna push for that extra week next Christmas though ;) The kids were playing with this Little People nativity, and as we were heading out the door to go get a tree I noticed everyone had come to adore baby Jesus. Literally all up in his face. Poor baby Jesus. It sure did melt my heart! My sweet, sweet Kayla <3

We kind of had a sad little tree. It was still bundled when we bought it and when we got home and undid it, it was like 1/3 bald... Now we know not to buy a bundled tree.... We were able to position it to where is was mostly not too noticeable. After we got the tree it was time for Jacob to go to work, and the kids and I had plans with friends. And by the time we got back they were ready for dinner and bed. So I just decorated it by myself once he kids were asleep. And you know what... I loved it! Seriously!! I'm so terrible about things like that. If I don't do it my way, then it's just not right and I have to go back and fix it. I'm a work in progress. Lol. And the kids were THRILLED to wake up to a decorated Christmas tree!!! So it more than all worked out. I'd call it a win! Haha.

So excited about the Christmas tree!

Cute boy playing outside! He's gotten so good with the balance bike!!

And then Jacob put up the lights outside!

They were stocked about it!

Everyday at 5pm the lights would kick on and it would not take them long to realize it and get so excited!!

I've been working on a German Pancake recipe! My sister and my Dad both had recipes... but they were different. And I'm pretty sure they both got their recipes from Omi... but I've always remembered that she didn't have a recipe and just did it. I had tried my Dad's and didn't like the way it turned out. And my sister's was more similar to his than to another one I had found. I ended up tweaking it all and coming up with my own. I've been really happy with the way recipe I've come up with turned out! I know it's not exactly how I remember them, but it's pretty dang close and definitely hits the spot!! My kids love them which makes me happy! Omi no longer makes them, so they won't ever gets hers. Jacob has had them once or twice and he thinks they're pretty close too. And I made it when my Dad was here last and he approved... so I'll take it ;) Haha. 

Took the kids to see Santa at Bass Pro Shop. Hahahaha! Perfect for our memories!!

As soon as we left Santa and walked upstairs Kayla was a different kind of sad. She kept saying "I'm so sorry I was sad. I want to try again." Aww... Bless her heart. One day you'll laugh too. 

They were both really excited about the little penguins they got though!

We inherited my Grandpa's truck almost 2 years ago, just before he passed away. Jacob is still finding new things in it. We were both especially pleased that he found this Pepsi umbrella hat. I love it!! I'm pretty sure he put it right back where he found it. Rightfully so! Ha! We actually were talking about the truck earlier today and I was telling him "It's not that I just love little old ford rangers. It's that it was my Grandpa's and that's why I love it." Not that I have to explain that to him. He totally gets that. We also have his great grandfather's 1966 Ford Galaxie LTD aka Ruby. And he had been asking what I thought about another little Ranger... but I digress. We love that we have my Grandpa's old truck. And we love that we keep finding things in it that make us think of him and bring a smile to our face and more joy in our lives.

Some of our Christmas decorations.

And a new one that I made one evening with some friends.

That cute little tree a friend made for me a few years ago and I love it! And then the rest is the kid friendly stuff. Little People nativity, magnetic nativity, and a box full of Christmas books.

So grateful for all of the Christmas cards we received. Maybe one day I'll send some out. For now I just do a yearly update post on my blog. I ended up having to add more string to accommodate, and I still have them up now. Which is saying something because I'm fairly stickler about having Christmas down a day or two after Christmas is over. 

One day we needed a few things from the store. The kids and I waited in the car as Jacob ran in real quick. I had told him, as I do plenty of times, "I wouldn't be mad if you brought back something yummy". He never disappoints ;) He came back with a jar of Nutella (with the special decorating tool. lol.) and some sparkling juice. He gets me ;) so after we let it chill and put the kids to bed, we enjoyed it out of our special Mr. and Mrs. cups. Such a glamorous life we live, I know ;)


Wilson was throwing a fit about something at my feet... and slowly he grew quieter and quieter... until I realized he had fallen asleep. Lol.

A pretty frosty morning.

So stinking cute!!! Love this little boy! His cute little Mickey hat and a car in each hand! I'll eat you up, I love you so!!

Proud Mom moment when the dinner table is silent because they are too busy eating up the food you made!!! Love it!!

The children's science museum in Shreveport was having a $3 day and it's normally like $12 a person... so yeah we took advantage of that! The kids really liked this chair. You sat down and held a button on each arm and it lifted you up!

Lots of dress up... which my kids love! In case you haven't noticed ;)

Kayla spent the most time in the grocery and kitchen area! She loved it so much! Definitely her favorite part!

And Wilson's favorite part was definitely the water! The kid was soaked within a minute or two and had so much fun!!

My biggest kid really enjoyed himself as well. Just as much IF not more than the 2 little ones! So glad we went! And that we got such a good deal ;)

See this??

^This is why we can't have nice things. I love him so so so so much... but he is SO destructive!! Ugh... And so cute, too!

Scrolling through my emails and see my kids. Lol. Did another review for Macaroni Kid Shreveport.

Oh I do not like these seats sometimes........

Some pictures from the photo booth area at our church Christmas party! Look at Wilson's little eye peeking between the Christmas trees. Lol. I love it!!

When you come up with one of your last ever sharing times for primary and it's also a Christmas lesson about the nativity and you just know how awesome it's going to be and the spirit that will be felt..... And then you go through it and it goes NOTHING like that because you're in a room full of kids ages 3-11... Lots of whining about getting a turn and running up to the board to move pieces and a whole lot of no one listening. I tried. It's done. Oh well. Sigh.

I gave them the iPad one morning so I could get just a little more shut eye and they were actually sitting peacefully next to one another and not fighting. What a miracle!! Had to take a pic for proof ;)

Cute little elves!

Nutella and an Ande's peppermint candy. No regrets. It was so good!!

On our way to Katy and almost out of Louisiana we hit some construction traffic. It was about to go down to one lane. Most people saw this and got over. And then there were a few of those people who took advantage of everyone getting over and kept driving. Not on these Texans watch though. The two trucks behind us put a stop to it. One guy was half way between the right lane and the shoulder and the other was between the right and left lanes. And they stayed that way until it finally went down to one lane. It was kind of beautiful. I know, I know, you're supposed to go all the way until it ends and scissor in... but it's so annoying when every sees that it's going to one lane so they get over and there's a good half a mile clear in the lane that's about to end so there's those select few that are like screw it I'm cutting off all these nice people. I'm not even mad about these Texans putting an end to that!

We went to Main Event for Kristine's birthday. Kayla and Wilson bowled with Jacob, me, and a handful of the rest of the family. All the other cousins and a few adults were at the arcade. We met them there when we were done. My kids had so much fun even though they weren't actually playing. Lol.

Word of advice... don't climb into your baby cousins toy. You might be too big and get stuck ;)

After the church Christmas service 

My little flower loving child

We took a few quick family pictures while we were in Katy.
All of the Ruske family

Mom and Dad

Mower family

Esquivel family

Seckinger family

Ruske family

For some reason Michael didn't want to take one by himself ;)

McConnell family

Grandma and Grandpa with the grandkids

Kristine and I after taking family pics

His Aunts and Uncles and Grandma and Grandpa are a lot nicer than Mommy is... Somehow he got away with a huge chunk of bread, even though we were about to eat lunch. That thing is bigger than his face!! Spoiled ;)

Donuts on Christmas Eve before driving back home to Louisiana.

Wilson passed out with his present from the Mowers <3

Christmas morning! Grandma and Grandpa McConnell had met us at our house after we got back from Texas. They're here too, but we never took any pictures. We need to remember to do that next time we're together.

Merry Christmas from the McConnells!

Kayla was so excited to open her presents!

Wilson did not want to open them at all. But then he liked the present and just wanted to play with it rather than opening another one. Haha.

Showing off their presents! (And look, we did get some of Grandma in this pic. Lol.)

Christmas through the years. I love looking at all our past family photos <3

I've had zero motivation to cook for far too long. Hahaha. So it's not much, but it turned out just right for us. Also this is the 1st Christmas we've had in our own home for quite a while. It was SO nice to spend Christmas at home!! Deviled eggs sounded really good... so done!

Some roast, carrots, & potatoes

Green bean & artichoke casserole. We love it!

And some rolls for my roll loving husband.

Simple and sweet and I actually cooked some food ;P so it was just right!

Playing with our gymnastics games

We got more legos for Christmas! They were thrilled!!

Grandma and I ran a quick couple of errands with our cute little shopping buddies

When we bought our house, the garage was unfinished. Jacob redid a bunch of the wiring and lights. There was a wall dividing the garage and a work area, and he added another wall to that back space to make it a work area and a storage room. He's also added a few doors... and now slowly but surely he's been adding insulation and sheet rock. ^^ The kids are enjoying it. Lol.

Actually got "dressed up" so it called for a selfie ;) And I was wearing my new earrings, new shimmery chapstick, both from my sis inlaw, and a new shirt.

I've commented to someone at church about how cute her little boys boots were. I guess I've done it a few times and he was outgrowing them because I came to church one Sunday and she handed them to me. Haha. Wilson is thrilled!! They have Woody on them and they light up. We're super obsessed with Toy Story over here! They're still a little too big for Wilson, but for now he loves wearing them all around the house. Lol. I was not even expecting that gift. I love it though, and so does Wilson ;)

Sweet, sweet cuddles <3

Showing off his boots

Heaven forbid I take a picture of Wilson and not one of Kayla... at least that's what she thinks ;P

We were supposed to celebrate New Years Eve with some friends, but they ended up getting sick and we had to cancel it. Holly came by with all of these fun decorations for us to use since the party didn't work out. How cute?!

More cuddles <3 I can't get enough of them... expect sometimes I do and I want space. Lol. I'm working on balancing it all out though ;)

My mom gave me a Houston temple picture for Christmas and I rearranged some of the pictures in the living room to add it

Kayla LOVES her Jessie doll!

Ready to pop some fireworks!!

She was being way to brave and wanting to light the fireworks by herself. And Jacob is much nicer than me and actually let her do it. Can you just stay a baby?!

Sparkler fun

Waiting for me to get all the accessories and take a pic.

Happy New Year!!!

They were so excited to get some "special juice" Lol

And we taught them to do cheers. And now Wilson randomly does it with his sippy cup all the time! Haha.


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