Wednesday, January 9, 2013

As of Lately...

Over the past week and a half or so we've done a few projects. Well... Jacob has. He's such a good sport :) Hehe. When I first moved to College Station in August of 2011 I bought a tv stand. It was a cute dark stained stand with a couple of drawers. I had already had of a collect of dvds (mostly the disney classics, my fav!!) but then my Mom was trying to downgrade her selection so I took a 'few' more ;) And it just barely fit into the drawers. Well over the last year and a half (wow I can't believe it's been that long) I accumulated some more :) To the point when the cubby above the drawer was too full. Here's the before picture...

Okay the pictures a little hard to see. But it's full. And there's no room for the Xbox stuff.

So we finally went shopping for a stand! We went to a couple different places. And I was very picky. So we went back and forth between places. Lol. And I finally decided on one. So I bought it and once we got home my wonderful fiancé put it together for me. I love it!!


And the after! Yay!

Now for the next one. I mentioned in my engagement post that Jacob and I had been talking/planning everything for a while. Our time frame has worked out a little differently than previously planned. Back in June I got a 6 month gym membership (thinking that's how long I'd be here). Well obviously I'm still here and I don't have a gym membership anymore, and I most certainly don't want to pay for another 6 months. I decided it'd be much more logical to buy a machine. And in my opinion so far so good. I paid  maybe a hundred more dollars for something I'm hoping will last at least a couple years, rather than throwing it all down on 6 months. (Here's to praying it'll at least last a year and that I didn't buy too cheap :/ but still a hundred more dollars for twice the time is a much better deal)

So I bought an elliptical! :) And did I mention how amazing my fiancĂ© is? Well he is amazing! And he put it all together for me. 

Working hard.

Excited! But hardly working.

And of course it came with a few bumps. Everything was going great and we were getting so close to the end when he realized one of the pieces was manufactured wrong... Killjoy. Seriously my heart was broken. The thing was practically assembled already. But we had plans to go see a movie with his brother so we had to leave it at that for the night. When we were able to go back to Walmart I was in a bit of a time crunch so we went to the Bryan one down the road from my place. Bryan Walmart and College Station Walmart... HUGE difference. I grabbed the stuff I needed while he went to customer service to switch the part with one from another box. I mean it's the most logical thing to do. The machine was almost assembled and all the cardboard and plastic that came with it was a mess. It only makes since to simply grab the part from an unopened, organized box and have them send that one back, rather than dealing with our mess. But no. The Bryan Walmart said that was against their policy and we'd have to bring ours back.... We were pretty upset. But I didn't have the time to deal with it. At first Jacob was ready to throw it as is in the back of his Dad's truck with the box full of trash and bring it to them. But after cooling off some he decided they were probably going to make him disassemble it so he was about to take defeat. We were at his parents house talking with his Dad about how stupid Bryan Walmart is and we were about to go back to my apartment so we could take everything back when I decided to call the College Station Walmart. Know what she said? As long as we have one on the floor just bring the part back and we'll switch it. THANK GOODNESS!! We went there with the part and she was so kind. She gave us a cart to grab another machine, and then she helped us take it out and switch them, and then we were on our way. How hard was that?! Seriously Bryan Walmart, seriously!

Now I have my elliptical all setup. We went to volleyball after we got it set up, and it was probably 11 or 11:30 when I got home but I was so excited to use it. So I got on and started using it, but then began  wondering why it was so hard. Then I was remembering other machines and how you could change the resistance. That's when I realized it wasn't turned on... :) So I can't wait to use it, once I get batteries or a cord to plug it into the wall. Haha.

And on the last note of this post I just want to record my goals for this year or as some would call it 'resolutions'. (I don't really like that word though. It just has a do it for a little bit and then give up ring to it, so I'll stick with goals. Haha.) This is no particular order. I just want record of them for my self.

1. Work out consistently (it can't be too hard now that I have a machine 5 feet from my bed, right?)
2. Improve my relationship with the Lord and membership in the church
3. Focus on doing well in school
4. Go through and get rid of the things I have and don't need (my closets are kind of scary...)

I know there were more I just can't think of them, so I guess I'll add them on later. Haha. But that about does it for life as of lately :)

1 comment:

  1. Great goals! Feel free to send your unwanted clothes this way...I may want some :)
