Monday, January 21, 2013

Getting Ready to Welcome Baby Henley!

This past weekend was my sister's baby shower. She's due in February and we can't wait for little Henley to arrive! So along with school starting back up (here's a tip of advice... don't take a semester off. Getting back into it sucks! And it's a hassle!!) I've been working on a few projects for the shower.

In the past I've been know to make fleece blankets for people/ babies. They're easy, soft, everybody likes them. Starting my senior year in high school I finally took up the interest to quilt. I won't say I'm great or anything. But I do like to do it. Infact I wish I would waited until I had a little more experience to make my t-shirt quilt. It's probably gonna be a hot mess in a few years and I'll be devastated to let it go. But anyways I made Henley a quilt and I'm very happy with the way it turned out!

First step of course is a trip to Joann's. Mommy doesn't really care for pink, but i had been hearing she doesn't mind if its for the baby. Still my goal was to avoid it as best as possible. (it's a girl, that's kind of hard to do. haha) Also I really like the shower theme of 'twinkle twinkle little star, do you know how loved you are?' so I wanted to included stars as well. I get to the store and finally find some stars. All there was was blue or pink... So pink it was. BUT I wasn't ready to quite give up. Luckily I was able to find another fabric with pink and purple, and with that I tied purple into the quilt.

My fabric!

Fabric cut up and the quilt all planned out!

This is pretty much how the quilt went:
First night- cut fabric
Second night- sewed squares into 6 rows
Third night- sewed rows together, pinned layers together, the sewed all the layers
Fourth night- binded the quilt

It wasn't too bad, but that third night was definitely hard work putting the quilt through the sewing machine. I had never sewn it like that before. (the first quilt my young women's leader helped me finish and I used her quilting machine, and the second one I only sewed the edges... like I said it's a mess) So I'm SO SO SO happy with the way it turned out. 

Working on the rows

The front all together

Sewing everything. I used the ruler to help (try to) sew straight.

All sewed together

And almost completely done!


My absolute LEAST favorite part about quilting.

But I have to say I like the outcome.

For the most part... Haha.

Now for the next project. Like I said the theme was based on the saying 'twinkle twinkle little star do you know how loved you are?'. When she told us the theme she included a picture of some decoration ideas and there was a sign that said that on it. So I really wanted to make the sign for her. Luckily my other sister had just given me her old cricut (someone has upgraded to silhouette, i'm excited to have it though!!) Which made the task all the more easy.

Bought some canvas and painted it purple, Henley's room is purple and gray.

There's an awesome cricut application that I downloaded onto my computer, and I was able to play with the font and place the wording so it would all fit. Seriously if you have a cricut, go to the website and download this. It's free and makes it SO easy!!

Once I had everything figured out I pressed cut on my computer and it starting cutting on the machine. Awesome!!

Then I figured out the placement on the board.

And tada!!

There were 2 different star shapes on my cartridge so I cut some of both and brought them home to get some help picking them out and placing them. But here's both of my projects/presents!

BTW, Missy if you're reading this then, I hope you've already sent me the email of the pictures from your camera. Love your not so patient sister ;)

But here's the pictures I have from my phone. Henley's shower was a total success thanks to everyone who helped put it together and came to celebrate!

The sign with the stars

Missy created the purple star border and I got the celebrity baby name and baby item price is right game ideas form pinterest.

She also made the bingo board. Such fun games!!

And all the guests guessed when they though Henley would arrive. It might be missing a few initials. 

The guests also wrote messages for mommy on diapers. A lot of them were pretty hilarious. I took some close up pictures on my sister's camera

So excited for my sister and sweet baby Henley!

My pretty host gift!

They're starting to bloom really well!!

And now for a catch up since the last I've blogged.

I love trying new recipes. This one turned out pretty well!

Chicken, cream cheese, cream of chicken, and some italian seasoning.

Once it was done I added a little rice and it was delicious!

This may not look like much, but my fiancé was sweet enough to make me dinner one night when I worked late and wasn't feeling well. Sloppy joes and mac n' cheese. He even put some jalapeños on it. He knows me so well! Haha. It was simple, but something I really appreciated. And for the record he came over the next morning and made pancakes too. He's the best, and I just like the brag about him :)

I've put a dent on my goals/resolutions!

This was the biggest pile of clothes I got rid of. There was also a trash pile (I throw away old bras and undies, thats just grody to give away no matter how clean they are, also consisting of way worn out things) and an youth conference/girls camp/efy shirts that I set aside for maybe a future t-shirt quilt.

And lastly a few 'silly' pics.

I thought it was funny. Hehe :)

bearded lady?

Since I like to embarrass him I decided why not post this. after eating some sloppy joes I had the evidence still on my face. He wanted to take a picture so I let him, and I thought it was only fair to post it on here. I mean how many photos do I post of him compared to posting one of me? Fair, right? Lol.

Brody decided to test of Henley's stroller.

I just thought it was really cute.

Elizabeth at the twin's shower in 2009. See it's totally protocol to test out your new cousin's stroller before they get here ;)

Hope you enjoyed :)

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