Tuesday, February 21, 2017

October 2016

Get ready for some serious picture overload...  And for the millionth time, I'll tell myself I'm going to be better at keeping up with my blog :P

Kayla at about a week & Wilson at about a week. Babies snuggling their wubbanubs <3

Kayla adores her baby brother. She always asks to hold him.

I'm convinced that his hair is like his dads. Straight as a board, so when it's short it sticks straight up.

We also can't tell if he has a double crown like his dad or not.

So alert. Also, you can kind of see a little bit of jaundice eyes.

A cute smile.

Wilson's first Sunday at church. Mommy and him survived. Sister had a rough time in nursery and Daddy got to deal with it... So she was ready for a nap and Daddy was done. But he still let me get a picture and even smiled for it. I love him. Seriously, the little things mean a lot.

Cute cousins at dinner one night when Grandma and Grandpa Ruske were in town.

Kayla and Wilson with their GG (my grandma).

We went down to Katy for the day to celebrate my Mom's birthday with her.

Excuse the non-clothed kid with crazy hair, but she was being cute so I had to document it. We love Sandra Boynton books. One of Kayla's favorites is "Doggies" and one page of it reads "Nine dogs on a moonlit night, AAA-OOOOOO". So here she is reading it to herself complete with "AAA-OOOOOO". 

And then shortly after that she started doing this. Never has she made that "I don't know" hand motion before, and I don't think we've done it either. So it was too funny to see her playing like this.

One Saturday we decided to meet some friends at a pumpkin patch. We like to plan car trips to where the kids will sleep on the way there/back. Poor Kayla couldn't decided if she was more hungry or more tired. Spoiler alert: sleep won. Lol.

We ended up getting some really cute pictures there, and we had lots of fun meeting up with our friends.

Kayla and her friend Harrison are a few months apart in age, and now they both have little brothers that are just a few weeks apart in age.

On the way to the pumpkin patch, we drove by Buc-ees and Kayla said "buppy", so on the way home we made sure to stop there. And yes, of course we bought her a "buppy". We may or may not have a problem with denying her things when she acts super cute like ^^^... My favorite thing about this video though, is when she says "muah". Basically in Kayla it means she loves Buc-ee. Haha.

One Sunday I was giving a couple a ride to church, and since we can't all fit in our truck, Jacob and Kayla went in Ruby. Ignore the sad rusting and poor neglected paint job on her... (I never thought I'd have such feelings for a car. I hope that makes Jacob happy. Lol.) But look at the pure happiness on Kayla's face. She LOVES Ruby. Whenever we leave or come home and Kayla sees the cars in the driveway, she always says "Bye/hi Ruby, Bye/hi truck". It makes her Daddy especially happy.

I love when babies sleep with their arms up like this.

If Wilson is in his rock and play, Kayla constantly goes back and forth between playing and checking on him/giving him kisses.

Seriously she's loves to hold him!

It only took her almost 2 years... ;) but she finally said Gina. And it made Aunt Gina so happy.

Gina caught a mom moment of me and the kids.

I must be crazy. I made a few trips to Katy and a few trips to Dallas all with in Wilson's first few months. No, I know I'm crazy. But at least these cute cousins got to meet baby Wilson. Worth it. ;)

I HATE running. In fact, I would never call anything that I have or ever will do a "run". I jog... sometimes. And I'm still awful at that. But I try, so I tell myself something is better than nothing. Anyways, I was pretty proud of myself for not stopping to walk during one of my jogs and Jacob's response was "I just ate a quesarito and taco without stopping". ^This guy!

rough life

Sometimes (multiple times a day) Kayla melts down. Literally melts. One day I'll laugh, maybe even miss it too... one day.

In October, we celebrated my Grandma's 90th birthday. 
This is GG, my Mom, and all of her family (minus Jacob, Bailey, & Bella who weren't there).

GG with all of her great grandkids (and my Mom holding Wilson) that were there, missing a few.

Grandma and grandkids, again, missing a few.

Brody and Harrison could not get enough of Wilson.

Stephen and Gina moved to New Mexico back in May, but wanted to come back and have baby Nathan blessed in College Station. The timing was perfect and we were able to have Nathan and Wilson blessed on the same day. We just like to complicate things and had Wilson's in the morning in our ward, and Nathan's in the afternoon in their old ward. Same building and everything, just different times ;) No regrets here though!
I'm so excited for Wilson to have cousins Drew, Nathan, and Sage all within a few months age of him. If only we all lived closer together!

Wilson was about 1 month and Nathan about 3 months old. I think Wilson is catching up in size now ;)

Sweet baby smiles :)

I'm the kind of person who has a certain way of doing things, and if it's not that way it's not right. I'm worst about it when it comes to my "home". Jacob is very well aware of this. He loves to irritate me, too. So what better way than to switch around all the sippy cups pieces. (It should be pink, purple, pink. Not teal, yellow, pink.) Such a goob, but jokes on him because now I just always leave them switched around...

I can't get over how much she loves him and how sweet she is to him.

Y'all... ^that's my baby's hair... I rubbed his head and the hair was literally rubbing off...

I was pretty proud of this DIY Olaf costume.

^typical. Adorable, but typical.

Heading to trunk or treat in Dallas with our cousins.

How stinking cute are these two?

I love my babies

One morning Wilson was crying as I was trying to clean up Kayla and her breakfast mess, and make him a bottle... you know everything at once. When I took her out of her high chair she ran over to him and laid down and he immediately calmed down. It warmed my heart so much!

By far my favorite thing to do on Halloween is dress up and get boo-ritos from Chipotle. This was the 3rd year in a row that we've done it.

We even got a few other to do it with us ;)
I had mentioned it to Jacob's parents the night before and his dad seemed far from interested. No way was he going to get in costume to go get food. I texted Gina as we were getting ready to leave to Chipotle the next day and she said they may be a few minutes late because Mike and Janice were trying to come up with a costume. I though it was super funny. Lol.

Cute baby cousins :)

^ This plus some white shirts = easiest costume ever!

My sleepy little marshmallow!

1 comment:

  1. Loved this and all the catch up. You looked gorgeous at Wilson's blessing and every day. You're an awesome mom to follow!!
