Tuesday, February 21, 2017

November 2016

More balding pictures. It makes me so sad. He's starting to bald again now (FEB. 2017) but Kayla was similar and lost hair a few times. It'll probably be here to stay around 1 year, or at least that's when hers finally stayed and actually started to grow.

Yes. That is poop. Ugh. I get in this habit of putting the new diaper under the baby and then whipping the old one off to make for a quick change. Well especially when it's a middle of the night feeding, I'm bad about checking the diaper before I whip it off. This time I paid for that mistake...

It's a good thing he's pretty cute!

1. Kayla is a big fan of Frozen. One day she noticed how after everything is unfreezing and the snow is going up, Sven is licking and trying to catch/eat it. She started mimicking it and it was the cutest thing. So the first part of the video I'm trying to get her to recreate that.
2. Kayla started giving us this look. Basically copying the look I give her when she's in trouble. So the second part is us giving her the look (which she thought was hilarious) and her doing it back to us.

Feeling nostalgic as I was switching out pictures around the house. Both of these were taken on their blessing days. Also, it's still so crazy to me that not only am I a mother, but I have 2 kids now...

Both babies about a week old. I got a nice camera for Mother's Day this past year and I have definitely learned that just because I have a nice camera it does not mean I am a photographer. Lol. Thanks again Kristy Braman for taking Kayla's baby pictures... I'll always appreciate your talent!

When I switched pictures, I found that a lot of them had an older picture behind it. So here's everything from engagement, to wedding, to Kayla, plus the ones I added of Wilson around the house. Full heart <3

Spaghetti night. Enough said, lol.

Just trying to get him to talk for me.

When Gina and Nathan were still in town, we went to church with them at Grandma & Papa McConnell's Ward. As soon as Nathan was out of his car seat, Kayla helped her self up and in to it. We were all cracking up!

She really enjoyed having Nathan and all his baby toys around for a few weeks. Apparently a play mat doubles as a blanket. Haha!

Nathan and Wilson with Grandma McConnell. I love this! And I have a very similar one with Lina, Kayla, and Grandma McConnell. We are so so lucky to have so many cousins so close in age to each of our kids!

One day we started watching The Piano Guys on Youtube, she really enjoyed it.

And then of course she had to start playing the piano too.

I can't get enough of this cute boy. Kayla was such and easy baby. Turns out Wilson is an even easier baby. We didn't think that was possible, but we totally lucked out! 

The line to vote on Election Day. It was kind of long, not as bad as the line for Primary Election voting in March though. And it went pretty fast, so that was nice.

Kayla got 3 or 4 stickers from different people.

Grocery shopping with an infant and a toddler. Impossible, but somehow I get it done. I'm a crazy person...

Kayla antics. Lol.

She loves cuddling her baby brother! They sat like this for a few minutes as she watched a movie.

Cute girl using the potty!! I'm waiting until she wants to do it all on her own to actually "potty train" but every once in a while I'll ask if she wants to use the potty and she'll sit there, sometimes go but mostly not. I'm just trying to get her familiar with it. The first few times I tried she freaked out and screamed when I tried to out her on it. So... this was a big accomplishment. Haha.

She loves this steering wheel. Must be her daddy's daughter ;)

She also loves to line her toys up.

And to pretend talk on the phone. Here she's using an old phone case, but she'll do it with almost anything.

All cuddled up with blankets and ready to watch a movie!

Sound of Music was a hit with her!

Gina had borrowed a friend's infant seat when she was in town, and we returned it for her after she left. They had put a tv on their curb, so Jacob asked what was wrong with it and he decided to take it and try to fix it. He's pretty sure how to fix it, but for now it's still sitting half taken apart in our bedroom :P I just thought it was super cute how Kayla was investigating it with her Dad.

Playing piano with Dad <3

Seriously, they melt my heart!!

So sweet sharing toys!

These 2 pictures were taken within a minute or two of each other. He loves to be wrapped up. If he's tired he'll fall right asleep after you wrap him.

One evening we went to Panda Express for dinner. We told Kayla if she ate all of her food she could have a cookie (fortune cookie). She didn't, so we ate it. Right as we both popped the halfs in our mouths and started chewing, she remembered she didn't get her cookie. Poor thing. In our defense, we did tell her she had to eat all of her food and she didn't.

This was the fortune that was in that cookie. I told Jacob I was going to put it next to the bed so he always remembers that happiness is next to him. I was serious...

Lining up books along the tv and face timing Grandma Ruske and GG.

Hanging out with Dad

And the Dad fell asleep...

This girl chews through every sippy cup! Milk spills everywhere and it drives me crazy!!

The Wallace's came in town for an Aggie game and we went to midnight yell with them the night before. 

For Thanksgiving, the kids and I went to Utah with the rest of my family. Jacob had to work. We were lucky and got flights with my sister there and back (plus they were direct!!). I could not have done it with out her. We stayed at her house Sunday night (our flight was Monday afternoon). Kayla did not want to go to sleep.

Wilson is my wonderful little sleeper!!

I ended up with both of them in the bed with me.

The first thing we did was go see Omi and Grandpa (and then Cafe Rio ;) ) Wilson got to meet his great grandpa! Kayla has met him once before.

Kayla knows what pictures are, and she does not like posing for them... obviously.

With Omi. Kayla loves Omi! Anytime she sees her picture, she gets so excited and says "Omi! It's Omi!" 

Walking around in Omi's shoes.

Tuesday night we visited the Parkers. We got to meet cousin Drew for the first time. He and Wilson are about 3 months apart.

Kayla had fun getting to play with her cousin Reese. Poor Emma had gotten sick that day. We got to see her, just not play.

Kayla sure had fun playing with their toys, too. Lol.

And climbing their bunk bed. At one point Kristy and I were with Emma, when we came back Reese said Kayla had gotten stuck and was hanging from the side of the top bunk. Fortunately there were no injuries. Haha.

Reese was so sweet to baby Wilson

Omi LOVED loving on him all week long!

Wednesday night it started to snow!

It didn't take long to accumulate. This white stuff is so foreign to us. So we had to document it.

Thanksgiving day. The snow stuck around, and we got a cute picture. Just missing Jacob.

I remember playing with these toys any time we would come visit growing up, so it was fun watching Kayla play with them too.

Thanksgiving day we had a big Ruske get together. It was a lot of fun. We didn't really get any pictures though.

Logan and Harrison love baby Wilson!

So sweet :)

One last picture with Omi and Grandpa before we left on Friday. I was a little unsure about flying up and spending the week just me and the kids (and without Jacob). My Mom and sister convinced me to go and they both helped out a lot. Grandpa isn't doing very well, so we're grateful for these memories we were able to make with him!

Playing in the snow one last time before we left! Look at those cute cousins!! And Harrison on the rock/in the tree. Lol.

The flight home Kayla had her own seat. Thank goodness!! The flight there was full and she was in my lap. She did well considering she was exhausted and stuck with me, but it was still rough for us both. The flight home was so much better!! In fact we had the row to ourselves!!

She was much happier ;)

Besides having the row to ourselves, we had Missy & Wilson with us for a bit, and later Alyssa sat and watched some of Frozen with us.

And for some reason I don't have any pictures, but we went to Oklahoma when we got back from Utah. Jacob met us at my sister's house on Friday night, and Saturday morning we drove up to Oklahoma. We had a great time seeing some of the McConnell side of the family. And we even got to see Stephen, Gina, and Nathan again! So that was pretty cool.

Kayla always gets lots of treats at the doctors office. Plenty of stickers this time! (And last time we went, she got a few lollipops.) We love our doctor! We go to an office with residents, so they're only there for their 3 years of residency. When Jacob and I were getting married and I went in for BC, I was just put with a doctor. But then several months later, I got pregnant and I just continued to see that doctor, Dr. Eggleston, through all of my pregnancy with Kayla and he (barely made it because it was so fast) was there to deliver her too. He taken care of us ever since then. When I got pregnant with Wilson, I found out that his residency was ending and he was moving out of state soon. He highly recommended a 2nd year student and we have loved seeing her. She delivered Wilson, and Kayla, Wilson, and I have been seeing her ever since Dr. Eggleston left. One of these days we'll have to find a little more permanent of a doctor because we're getting too attached to our residents. Lol.

After her nap that afternoon, she insisted on cuddles with Wilson. She would get so mad any time I even mentioned picking him up.

Kayla began to move on from being obsessed with Frozen... to being obsessed with Ariel. Here she's singing the "ahh ahh ahhhh, ahh ahh ahhhhhh". We sure love this cute girl :)

The end of November, after all of our Thanksgiving travels, we went Christmas tree shopping!

Kayla picked a good one! (Too bad we didn't take care of it and it died. Love all those needles ;) We really do love getting a real tree though, so it's worth it)

She loved the Christmas tree lights!

And she really liked helping Daddy put the star on!

All decorated!

She loved all the ornaments too. Which was super cute, and also super annoying ;P

Poor child. Some times Kayla wakes up crying in the middle of the night, and Jacob says she's probably having nightmares about vacuums. I swear we love her. Lol.

Some decorations and some of our nativities.

Best nativity ever. Kayla and I love it :) and I'm sure Wilson will next year too ;)

This one is fun too, but the she still a little small for it at the same time. That's why we really love the Little People one.

Some more decorations and an advent book I made last year. It has a Christmas message, song, and a challenge for each day.

Kayla LOVES smoothies!! I got a different kind of yogurt and it was more runny than what I normally buy, so I made smoothies instead of giving her a bowl of yogurt. She was thrilled. She especially likes when Papa (McConnell) makes them. Anytime she sees a blender, especially at a store, she yells "SMOOTHIE!" and sometimes even "SMOOTHIE! PAPA! SMOOTHIE!" Haha.

Cute boy!

And Kayla was being so sweet and cute with him too!

I don't even know. Lol.

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