Monday, July 13, 2015

June 2015

A short summary of our month...

Kayla rode around in Ruby for an afternoon, which is kind of a big deal. Ruby is Jacob and his Dad's, pride and joy, 1966 Ford Galaxie LTD. I have no real reason other than I just didn't want her to ride in it until she was older. But Jacob finally convinced me to let her.

She thought it was pretty cool, I guess… ;)

I'm been trying to get more pictures of us with the baby and not just the baby. So here's a random picture of Daddy and Kayla at church.

One Sunday evening was just too much for Kayla to handle. As we sat around the table talking, she fell asleep in Papa's lap just like this. Ha!

And now for my confession… Shortly before she fell asleep, Aunt Kiya had just sent Grandma and Papa a picture of Kayla's cousin Lina, who is 3 weeks older, sitting up by herself. Since then I've been telling myself "Okay Kayla you've got 3 weeks to get this down". So you'll notice a lot of pictures of her 'sitting up'. But really it was her sitting up long enough for me to get her to smile and snap a picture before she tumbled to the ground. I'm such a good Mom, I know ;) But I do have to say she's been pretty good at doing it on her own for a while now.

 I just can't get over her smiles! She's such a happy girl!

This girl has got the rolling thing down!

She's constantly chewing on whatever she can get her hands on. Which means if there's no toy or blanket, it's her hands.

And she LOVES her feet!

Since she's been sitting up so well, I decided to try to sit up in the shopping cart. I say success!

After bathing, I started taking her out of the chair and letting her get a feel for the tub without it as the water drained. She loves being chair free for bath time now!

But really, as soon as I took it she fell down.

Daddy's Father's Day present. 'Kayla's Book of Reasons Why I Love My Daddy'. I missed the cutoff time for free upgraded shipping to make it in by Father's day by about an hour. And then it said it would be about a week to a week and a half after Father's Day before it would arrive. I was so bummed! The day after Father's Day I was having kind of a crappy day. We went on a walk to get out of the house and I came back to find this orange package on my front porch. It seriously made my day! I was so happy, and couldn't wait for Jacob to get home and see it. He loved it BTW! :)

Kayla likes the TV. And she's seriously mastered rolling. This is where I put her down...

And she ended up all the way to the right of the living room underneath the piano!

After a long afternoon of running errands, Mommy made the mistake of trying to put her in the seat of the shopping cart. This tired girl couldn't take it. I finally got her to fall asleep in my arms and was able to lay her down so I could grab what I needed and go home.

Mmm… carrots…

Side note: I've been making my own baby food and freezing it. And when she's ready to eat some, I just put it in the microwave for a few 15 second intervals to melt it. But the past few weekends as we've gone out of town I've just grabbed the pre made baby food from the store. I'm totally sold on making my own. I do dread putting in the work, but it's so worth it. It's cheaper, it's less messy (better texture), it's healthier, and she likes it so much more! I'm sold!

My last post I had some pictures of Kayla with Granny and Junior. Junior was Granny's fiancé. The last weekend in June we were going to Oklahoma for their wedding. We left Friday night to go to my sister's house in Dallas and stay the night so the drive would be shorter on Saturday. Before we even got to Hearne (maybe 15 minutes) we got a message saying the wedding had been postponed. (Long story but Granny and Junior are now married, we unfortunately couldn't be there but are so happy for them!) So we ended up just staying the weekend with my sister and her family. Plus Grandma and cousin Bella were there that weekend too. So we had a great time.
^ but this was the only picture from the whole weekend.

For Mother's Day Jacob got me a fitbit. I'd been wanting one for a while so I was thrilled! It only took almost 2 months but I've finally got a good routine down for us. And Kayla loves our walks in the mornings!

And a few random videos...

She LOVES kisses!! But she also gets distracted by my phone.

She wants to crawl SO bad. She just needs some help lifting her tummy up ;) Lol.

Daddy is kind of hilarious!

Kayla's first lemon. (I love Bella's laugh in the background!)

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