Friday, November 28, 2014


I was looking through my pictures trying to decide which ones to post for a 'grateful' post, and I decided there's just way too many things I'm grateful for for an instagram post. So I decided to blog about it instead.

I'm so grateful for our dogs - and their new puppies!!
Last Sunday around 11pm, right as I was falling asleep, I heard a cry from our backyard. (Our bedroom has the sliding door to the back porch where the dogs sleep) Leia had just had the 1st of 5 puppies. Pretty exciting, and kinda scary. So I kinda just sat and watched her until I fell back asleep, because really there was nothing for me to do. She was all in mommy mode and it was kinda cool. Haha. Weird but whatever. Anyways she had puppy number 5 around 6am Monday morning. They are the cutest little things!! And it's so fun to see Leia as a mom, and even Chewie as a dad. P.S. excuse the mess in the pictures. Chewie had just torn all of the stuffing out of the bed that they use. So now there's green stuffing everywhere and a sad bed in the kennel...

All 5 precious puppies

Sweet mama

He's so cute with his little babies

They are just too cute!!

I'm so grateful I got to spend time with family in Katy this Thanksgiving!
This is the first time Jacob and I have been apart overnight since we've been married, and the longest we've been apart since we started dating 3 years ago. (I know, I know. 4&1/2 days is nothing compared to what some people endure, but that doesn't mean I don't miss him like crazy.) But because of my work schedule I wasn't able to go to Oklahoma with him like we were hoping. It did, however, work out that I could go to Katy for a few days and spend some time with my family. Even better, I was able to ride there with my brother and ride back to CS with my sister in-law. No driving is a huge win for prego me ;) Thanks guys! Haha. Wednesday night my sister helped me start a registry for the baby. Thursday morning I went over to her house and went through the bazillion and one clothes for baby girl. Seriously, I don't think I'll be in need of any clothes until she's well over 2. Pretty overwhelming going through it, but such a great blessing to have so much given to us. Not to mention baby and I got some sweet cuddle time with Hutch and my nephew Harrison. AND my niece Henley actually warmed up to me. That's a huge win in my book. Haha. Afterwards we all met up at my oldest brother's house for thanksgiving dinner. What a blessing to be able to get together with almost all the family ( we missed you Missy!) and celebrate. Plus there were lots of cute cousins playing together (mostly getting along ;) ha ) and football… even though the outcome wasn't good, Jacob has turned me into a serious aggie football fan. Seriously though, family is the best. So glad I got to be with them.

Hutch and Harrison were the best cuddle buddies to me and Kayla.

How cute is this Minnie?!
(not only did she warm up to me, she even let me do her hair. for real this is a big deal. lol.)

Sweet, sweet cousins.

took this one from my sister ;)

Wish I would've gotten a few more pics of everyone!!

I'm so grateful for my sweet hubby!
Love love love that crazy guy. He's the absolute best!! And did I mention he's an AMAZING pumpkin pie maker. It's actually really cute watching him make them, a little perfectionist side of him comes out and I can't help but smile. And he's the sweetest with kids. Just a few more months and he'll be holding our sweet baby in his arms. Just thinking about it melts my heart already! I'm so so grateful that he is my complete opposite and better half. He just makes everything better. And on Tuesday he surprised me at work and it was the best, and it completely made the rest of my day. Sorry if it's getting too love-dovey. But I feel so lucky that he chose me, and I find new reasons everyday to love him more and more.

*See picture of him and puppy above, because he just looks so cute holding that little tiny puppy.*

All of my recent pics of us have been posted, so here's a few of him cuddling with Bella.

They just look so cute I can't help but snap a pic when I see them.

And an old picture of us. No significance really, just us. And I love it. And him.
Can it be Sunday night yet? I can't wait to hold him tight and not let go. That's exactly what I plan to do when I see him...

And last but certainly not least, I'm grateful for my soon to be baby girl!
I'm not a fan of being pregnant at all. But I'm a huge fan of the fact that we're about to have a sweet baby girl in our lives in less than 10 weeks!! Ahh, it's going by so fast (yet not fast enough) Haha. We can't wait to meet her :)

That belly just keeps growing!! 

We are so blessed and have so much to be thankful for, an instagram post just wasn't going to cut it this time ;) Ha

Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how tiny that puppy looks!!! And I seriously missed you in Oklahoma.
