Sunday, January 1, 2023

Edith Diann McConnell // March 2021

Dr wanted to induce me at 37 weeks because of my preeclampsia and high blood pressure. It fell on a Friday and they don’t do inductions on fridays, so I was scheduled to come in wed night and get induced Thursday morning. They were supposed to start the process Wednesday around midnight, but with my history of quick labors, they decided to wait until the morning when the doctor would be there. They started the pitocin around 6. Honestly I don’t think it did much. But I did almost pass out when they were putting the IVs in. The dr came around 7 to break my water. Holy crap that hurt. My water broke on its own with Kayla and Wilson. My body knows what to do and does it. Although I do wish I could have experienced one of the labors with an epidural πŸ˜‚ just like the others, she was born right about 2&1/2 hours after the onset of labor 😬 it is a crazy experience and I would be just fine not going through it again. But we said that after Wilson and I’m all about never say never, so time will tell πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Edith was born 3/4/21 @ 9:39am weighing in at 7 lbs and 8 oz and was 19&1/2 inches. My doctor would absolutely love to deliver another one of my babies πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
she has had us absolutely smitten ❤️

I love this picture of us ❤️

Her first name is after my paternal grandmother, my Omi. And her middle name is the same as mine, which came from my mother (and 2 of my nieces have also been given)

Kayla’s teacher was so sweet to pass this on for me and I was so happy to get this picture back. 

Seeing baby sister over the phone ❤️ they were not allowed to visit in the hospital bc of covid restrictions. 

My oldest sister happened to be in Utah and we were able to FaceTime her while she was with Omi and introduce the 2 Ediths over the phone ❤️

I was allowed to have one guest in the hospital. Jacob went home to be with the kids for a little bit and my mom came to visit the baby. 

All bundled up in layers πŸ˜‚

We ended up having to stay 2 nights at the hospital. I had been discharged after the first night, but they wanted to keep an eye on her. She was born at 36 weeks and 6 days, (technically, before 37 weeks is premature) so they want to make sure everything was going well before they would discharge her. They were watching her breathing/oxygen levels and her bilirubin levels. 

We finally got to go home late morning on Saturday. 

They were over the moon to finally meet their baby sister 😍


He looks so big next to her 😭

Lots of asking to hold and cuddle and help feed her. They love her so much. 

She melts us all πŸ₯Ή

And my sweet neighbor, Mrs. Shannon, made this precious mini scrap book. She is too good to us ❤️

So happy to be home with all of my babies. And the big kids just couldn’t get enough of her. They were kind of driving me crazy, but it was so precious at the same time. If they couldn’t hold her, they just wanted to sit and stare at her. Same guys, same. Lol. 

The next day was my birthday. I’ve come to the conclusion that I just don’t like my birthday. There, I said it. I’ve never liked being the center of attention but the last several years I’ve dealt with sickness, getting sent back to the hospital, Jacob being out of town… it just never ends up being what I hope and I just don’t like it. 

We had to go to the pediatrician this morning and when the testing came back her bilirubin levels were not good, so they told us she needed to check back in to the hospital to get the light therapy. Sorry if my medical terms are wrong, I’ve tried to block out all of these unpleasant memories 😭

We did capture this little smile while waiting at the office though πŸ₯Ή

My sweet babies made me birthday cards ❤️

Look at the backwards happy and the cake

And the turtle πŸ₯Ή he knows they’re my favorite. 

And bless my moms heart, she tried to make a big deal about it being my birthday but I wanted nothing to do with it. I was holding back tears because I did not want to be back at the hospital after Wilson’s accident, so many prenatal appointments, and just getting home from giving birth. I was so upset 😭 

She hated this mask. She just wanted me to hold her. But I wanted her to be under the light as much as possible so her levels were good and we could just go home 😭

Breastfeeding has never really worked out for me. I was trying, but once we were back at the hospital I knew mentally there was no way I could handle trying to pump to keep up with everything that had and was going on. There’s just no way. And I found peace in knowing it was the right decision for me. 

A little over 24 hours and we were able to go home πŸ™Œ

While Edith and I were gone, my mom had left and Jacob’s parents had arrived. Look at the smile she gave Grandma. She also gave her a blow out later which was followed by her first bath at home 😬

My little helper ❤️

Soaking up a little sun waiting for them to bring Kayla home from school. 

Immediately wanted to get out and walk. I don’t even care that I wasn’t even a week pp. We went on a walk. 

The best cuddles. 

Belated birthday. Jacob and his dad made fajitas. I was just happy to be home. The last like 3 weeks had been too much for me. 

Here’s my Instagram caption πŸ˜‚

After her first bath at home  πŸ₯Ή

These pics aren’t uploading in order and I have to rearrange them but it’s still out of order and it’s driving me crazy πŸ˜‚ so all of this stuff happened, but it may not be in chronological order. 

He helped brush her hair ❤️

My sweet friend Eleena came to visit and meet Edith before they moved 😭 we love them and miss them!!

Grateful for her friendship more than she’ll ever know ❤️

Sometimes… Wilson sleep walks? It’s happened a few times where he has to pee, but he’s not fully awake. So he’ll come out of his room looking for the bathroom, but not being able to find it and he doesn’t understand us. It’s a weird experience. So if we’re not paying attention, he’ll just pee. Like when he did it in front of my bathroom doorway and then climbed into my bed without pants πŸ˜¬πŸ˜‚ the scary one was one time when he was sick, he started throwing up but he was still asleep. Thankfully he had moved to his side, but that one really freaked us out 😳 it doesn’t happen often, but we normally catch it now if he comes out of his room after bedtime. I’ll try to talk to him, and if he doesn’t respond I have to run him to the toilet 😬

New couches arrived 

My sister inlaw’s parents spent some time working in East texas and stopped by one afternoon to visit before they went back home. They took some pictures of us, and Mike and Janice took a picture with them, but I didn’t get any pics with them. 

Kayla finally lost her first tooth πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ
The 2 bottom middle adult ones had started coming in like back in October or November. The one of the baby ones finally started to wiggle in February but it was a struggle between Kayla and I to get it out. Not our finest moment 😬 but it finally came out!! I asked her what she thought the tooth fairy would bring, and bless her and her lack of understanding of money, she said she thought she’d get 9 pennies πŸ˜‚

The tooth fairy brought her $1 plus 9 shinny pennies πŸ˜‰

More walks

Keeping an eye on that baby

Cuddles πŸ₯° 

She’s so cute 😍

Took the baby to the store with me… but somehow ended up having to carry her to the car after I checked out πŸ˜‚

2 weeks old on the dot and it popped off. 

She looks like a little workout Barbie πŸ˜‚ I love her 😍 

Cousins came to visit ❤️

The big kids had fun with the Esquivels. They went fishing. Went to Party Central. Played lots of video games πŸ˜‚ we were happy to have them. 

Although I freaked out a little after they got home from fishing… I didn’t realize they were fishing on like a 5 foot drop off right on the red River. I would have had a panic attack if I was with them 😬

Took advantage of the quiet time and tried to get some shots of the baby

Eyes open and the little smile. I love it 😍 

Went on a walk before we said goodbye to our visitors 

Cute girl with the paci, clip, and blanket from the Parkers

No more visitors ☹️ we needed out of the house so we went on a little nearby hike/walk. 

So sweet πŸ₯Ή 

Needed some big kid cuddles. They’re so big compared to the baby 😭

The little smile in her sleep πŸ₯Ή

The floofiest of hair. I love it so much. 

The baby smell is therapeutic 

We call her our little “boop”

He need in on our picture 

3 weeks before birth and 3 weeks after birth. I’m glad she’s outta there πŸ˜‚

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