Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Hello 2014!

I know the post is named 2014, but I'm gonna start in 2013 ;)

The weekend before Christmas we went to Katy to spend time with my family. And we actually got the whole Ruske family together at the same time. It was great!

It's amazing how much my family has grown, and is growing!
The end of 2012 we added Caitlin. 2013 we added Henley, Bella, and Jacob. And now that she's been telling everyone, this year we'll also be adding baby boy Seckinger. I'm so grateful for my family!

Jacob and I both had to work Christmas Eve, but only that morning. So we spent the rest of the day with Jacob's family. Us, his parents, brother Stephen, and Stephen's fiancĂ© Gina went to go see Frozen.  New favorite movie. And like every other little girl, (oh, big girl too!?) let it go is my new favorite song. Then we spent the rest of the evening at his parent's house.

Christmas morning we enjoyed our first Christmas together. We've actually been together for 2 Christmases already, but this is the first one we were together on Christmas day (he's spent the last two with his sister in Waco) AND it's our first married Christmas.

Christmas morning with our Christmas pajamas.

Jacob's favorite way of wrapping gifts is in a blanket. So I told him he had to actually wrap them. So he made origami wrapping paper boxes for some, wrapped some normally, franken-wrapped (lots of leftover pieces taped together) another, and put one in a blanket. Since he worked so hard on the origami I let the blanket slide. Haha.

After opening presents, we got ready and headed back to his parents house. Good thing they live like 10 minutes down the road ;) Haha. We had Christmas lunch, opened a few more presents. Then Kim's family came and joined us. It was a great Christmas holiday overall. And we are truly blessed!

In other excited news, I got my wedding pictures!! Yay! I seriously can't tell you how excited I was to get them. And now the empty frames hanging in our bedroom are filled with beautiful memories of our wedding :)

I'm so grateful for a fantastic photographer, and she captured the moments wonderfully!

Now to introduce you to Chewie…

Yes, we got another dog.

You can't really tell from the picture, but he has bright blue eyes.

Bella was so excited to meet her new puppy cousin.

The even shared some snuggles.

Leia's warmed up to him too.

It melts my heart the most when they're snuggled up together.

And lastly our 2014 goals.
Yes goals, not resolutions. That word is just asking to get broken. Lol.

2014 Goals:
-buy a duplex
As much as I want a 'house', we've talked a lot about it and a duplex is what will work the best for us. Live on one side, and rent the other side out basically having their rent pay the mortgage. I don't know if it will happen in 2014, but it is our next big purchase.
-cook at home more
It's way too easy to buy take out, and way too expensive. Plus I love to cook. It's just a matter of making myself do it after coming home from a long day at work. But so far so good.
Seriously though, he's 22 and I'm 20 and we just got married. We have way too much stuff. And most of it is crammed in the closet of the guest bedroom. Time to go through that baby and get rid of it/better organize it.

And now for Jacob's list… I told him he should choose a few things to be his goals. I let him take his time, and a day or two later he walked up and started writing these…
-more sex
-win lottery
And he turned and looked at me with a big smile on his face. Funny, I'll give him that, but I told him he had to write 2 real goals.
So he wrote these…
-pay off mafia…(debts)
what a character…
-fix ruby
(his 1966 ford ltd galaxy)

He's crazy and goofy, and hardly ever serious when I ask him to be. Only seriously a kid in a man's body. But he never fails to make me smile. Keep me from being serious all the time. And showing his love in his own way. I'm so lucky to have him, and it doesn't get more serious than that.

Love this guy so much! :)

2013 was fantastic, but here's to what 2014 has in store!

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