Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Power of Prayer

Today my day began and ended with the reminder of the blessing of prayer in my life. As I was getting ready to walk out the door I heard my phone go off for a new email. I was in a rush and didn't get to look at it until after I got to school. Luckily I had a few minutes before class to read over the email. It was a missionary letter from a friend. What struck me most was just a simple line in his email... "I would try and help but I'll just have to include you in my prayers". He is serving in Portugal, and though he's thousands of miles away and can't physically do anything, it is so comforting to know that he can pray for me. And it was a sweet reminder to me this morning about the affect that my prayers can have on people, and the influence I can have. And then it made me wonder how often people do actually pray for me. And how often I've been helped because of their prayers. I was definitely humbled and feeling grateful for such a blessing in my life.
And then I was able to have another experience tonight with my fiancé. I began feeling so overwhelmed with everything going on in my life right now, feeling frustrated even. So I decided to turn to the LDS app on my phone. Searching through general conference talks and reading scriptures. After some time of that I still felt so overwhelmed, like I was going to burst into tears at any moment. It was already late at this point, so before Jacob left I asked him to pray with me. As he finished the prayer I just poured out into tears. Not being able to handle the stress anymore. And he held me and let me cry for a little bit and then he told me he was going to pray again. And he said a prayer me. He prayed for my comfort and for strength, and by the end of the prayer I was able to calm down.
I am so incredibly grateful for Jacob. He tells me all the time that I'm beautiful and amazing. But I don't think I tell him enough how wonderful he is. And how much of a strength he is to me. I'm so grateful for the power of prayer. For the comfort it provides me, for the strength. And for the wonderful reminders I had of its power today.

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