Saturday, January 5, 2019

August 2018

So we drove to Dallas the 1st night... and then were off to New Mexico next. Jacob realized on the way to Dallas the night before that he had left the paperwork for the leave he was taking at home. So after we filled up on gas, we stopped in Wichita Falls, TX at Sheppard AFB to use the computers to print some more. It was kind of weird going back. And I definitely didn't think we'd be back so soon! Ha! I also can't believe we never went to the AFRC there. The kids LOVED it! And they would have loved it when we would go up to visit Jacob at Tech School and there was nothing to do. Oh well... glad that is in the past now ;)

The kids were incredibly good for us on the car ride! I was so impressed.

Pit stop at a gas station/car museum just past the border in New Mexico...

And then Aunt Gina and Uncle Stephen's house for the night!! Thanks for being the perfect "half way" point! ;) We ended up going to a Thai restaurant with them and it was SO good. We were craving more the entire rest of the trip. We'll savor the experience until we can do it with them again!

Wilson really liked all of Nathan's fun toys

CUTE little boys <3

Saying good bye as we drive on to the cabin

We saw several hot air balloons on the way out of town. It was difficult getting pictures though.

As long as this boy has his blanket and elephant, he is happy to nap in the car. Did I mention how impressed I was with the kids?? I do keep their elephants on their beds most nights... but they aren't really attached to them. I just like to bring the blankets and elephants when we travel for them to have something familiar. Totally working for us! (and wow we travel kind of a lot... at least between family members houses.)

Hit a storm in the middle of the dessert

...and clear skies!

It was quite a beautiful drive! Well in most spots ;)

Starting to get tired of the car... just a few more hours!

Sleepy girl... she was a little more grumpy than Wilson during the drive ;)

Obligatory pic at Jacob Lake

Throw back to Jacob Lake in 2014 on the way to Stephen and Gina's wedding

Finally made it to the cabins!! 
Wilson helped himself to some blueberries... lots of blueberries... oh those diapers...

Riding 4 wheelers. Definitely the highlight of Wilson's trip! This boy loves anything and everything with wheels!!

Daddy took him for a 4 wheeler ride to see the old truck. They were both in heaven ;)

I knew it would get cold at night... but I definitely wasn't prepared for it. I'm a southern girl through and through. Haha!

Thankfully Grandma Lazenby had just given us this quilt she made. It kept the kids warm at night. And we were able to sleep in the room above the garage. I like to think it was warmer up there rather than in a tent. Lol.

I'm probably a wimp... but this is considered COLD for August where I'm from ;P

If ever I couldn't find Wilson, I just needed to look for a 4 wheeler ;P

Riding with Uncle Alan

We went down to see the tractor. He did not want to leave!

So beautiful!!

He sure looks cute here... but he was mad at me for taking him away from the tractor. He was protesting walking. 

What better way to make him happy than to go for a ride. You wouldn't believe there were 40+ other people taking turns with the 4 wheelers with how often it looks like we rode them. Haha.

Watching the big kids play on the zip line. Kayla is just under the balcony testing the boundary limits I gave her ;P

Jacob was put to work to do some maintenance on the 4 wheelers. He had a couple little helpers ;)

4 wheelers and food are what kept this kid happy ;P

Aunt Laura brought out all the bubble stuff for the little kids.

They had so much fun!


Grandma McConnell brought some stuff to make bracelets. This was right up Kayla's alley! She spent the most time at the table doing this than any of the other kids. She loved it!

Cute cousins!

Wilson helped him self up to Grandpa Lazenby's lap. He'd do anything to play with the 4 wheeler.

Taking another ride. I get so overwhelmed around large crowds. Jacob decided it was time to take a little ride and get away for a little bit. It definitely helped. He's a good husband. And look at that stinking cute little boy!

The weekend we were up at the cabin was for a Wilson family reunion. Jacob's Grandma Lazenby is a Wilson. One of 13 kids. The land where the cabin is, is shared by the 13 families. Jacob's Mom is one of the 9 Lazenby kids. It was actually a small crowd this reunion. Do the math and you'll see that it sure does add up though ;P 

Having fun with Grandma McConnell!

The water was so cold. We preferred to stay out of it ;)

The whole fam riding in a paddle boat

^This right here is my absolute favorite memory from this trip. We took another 4 wheeler ride, this time up to the spring. The kids had such a blast playing in the water. The weather was perfect, the scenery was beautiful, and we all felt pure joy. I never want to forget this moment. We also found a few rocks that we brought home and that now sit on the book shelf in our bedroom.

Sweet boy was so happy to just be out in nature and to play in the water. He's so cute I can't stand it!!!

Someone finally decided it would be ok to hold a horny toad. And when she did, she decided she liked it after all. Haha.

Playing with all the kids after eating dinner with everyone there for the Wilson reunion.

Sage wasn't too sure about Uncle Jacob. Lol.

Just chilling. This was such a good trip for us. We all really enjoyed spending so much time outdoors. 

The Lazenbys

The McConnells

Our sweet little fam <3

Pouting about who knows what :P

Blue tongue! I think it was from a Popsicle Aunt Kiya gave her.

If you go back up to the pic of Wilson sitting on a rock protesting a walk... there's a peak up above his head. It's Wilson peak. Somehow I was convinced to climb it...

I pretty much told myself I couldn't do it the night before... recipe for a disaster ;P

But Jacob, Kiya, and Eli put up with my murmuring the whole way up. Bless them ;) 

And we did it!! What a beautiful view!

The only problem was... I thought the way down would be the easy part. But we went down the other side and didn't exactly know the path we were supposed to take. Instead we ended up going up and down and around and up and down.... We survived though. It just took us a lot longer than it should have. Maybe one day I'll be willing to go again... you know with people who have gone more than once. Haha. Love you Jacob and Kiya. Seriously bless them for putting up with me...

Good memories, right? And thanks to Aunt Deanne and Aunt Laura for watching the kids so we could do it!!

Next stop... Sandy, UT to see our Omi <3

Playing rummy. One of my favorite memories visiting Omi and Grandpa is all the games of rummy and of course German pancakes. She doesn't cook the pancakes anymore... but we make sure to play lots of rummy when we come. Kayla and Wilson had fun playing with the automated card shuffler. Obviously Omi and Grandma easily over rule mommy ;)

Going on a little hike! I think we were at Big Cottonwood Canyon... I honestly don't know. This is actually the second time I've written this post. The first time, I thought I saved a bajillion times. It wasn't posting, so I figured I could just exit and try again... you know since I kept pressing save.... Nope. Most of the written post was gone. So frustrating!! So I put off re-writting it a few weeks. Anyways... I had looked it up before... but that's too much work and I'm still bitter I have to redo this post. We'll stick with I think it's Big Cottonwood Canyon ;P

Grandma Ruske and Kayla started out with us... but ended up waiting in the car ;)

Drove through the canyon to Park City. The kids were thrilled to eat at their favorite place... Taco Bell... seriously. Lol. I'm not that mad... I just find it funny.

Playing with the Parkers! Wilson was too busy playing with cousin Drew's fun toys to eat dinner.

Kayla sure enjoyed playing dress up with Reese and Emma.

2 year old... wait, he wasn't even 2 yet. Ugh.
So while at Omi's house, one morning he woke up dry and I took him to the toilet... and he peed in it!!! It was awesome! I think he even did it one more time while we were up there. He's throwing a fit here because I made him put his diaper back on after trying and nothing happening. He has peed one more time in the toilet since we've been home. And that's it. We have a small potty we try and sometimes we try the big potty. He mostly just stands there making a "pisssssss" sound while aiming ;) hahaha. It's adorable! but not effective... I'm not trying to potty train. I don't do well with those body functions potentially being everywhere... and yet he's managed to poop on the floor and pee on his dresser.... I think it's funny now. Not so much at the time ;) more on those in later posts.

My princess at the Disney store

Definitely my girl... eating those chips and salsa ;)

Love my babies

Visiting Temple Square in SLC

Riding up to the observatory tower

Utah State Capital

Temple Square

Sleepy boy <3

Sleeping babies are my favorite ;)

Attempting a French braid. Why is it easier to do to myself!?

Like I said... he loves anything with wheels!! Papa Ruske knows the way to his heart ;)

What shame it would be if Kayla let Wilson have all the fun ;)

Happy... SPOILED girl!

Kayla, Jacob, and I took a ride on the Ferris wheel at Scheels. (And I learned I really don't like heights....) Grandma Ruske felt bad for Wilson so she let him pick out a little beanie boo stuffed animal... And then of course Kayla needed one too. BUT Kayla found this unicorn backpack she really liked. Grandma couldn't possibly say no to her grand baby... so here she is modeling her new backpack ;)

How cute is this mini coop with a mini coop trailer and a few mini coop model cars? I don't even care for them but that is kind of adorable!

CUTE girl!

Mini versions are so cute. And the owner was nice enough to let the kids sit in this one!

Wilson has a toy car exactly like this! The kids were thrilled to see the big version of it.

I actually really liked this one. It was an old truck with a camper and a boat.

And they had a bunch of old Coleman camping equipment to show with it.

Playing mini golf with friends! This is Wilson's favorite seat. It kind of made everyone nervous with him up there while Jacob was golfing though. Lol.

Fun time catching up with the Popes!

Had to take a pic with this little house. I thought I had a pic in from of it from when I was younger...

Turns out younger me and scissors got to it. I'll have to see if my Mom has another copy somewhere...

Collecting rocks and putting them in her backpack. Lol. I guess she took note of us collecting rocks at the cabin.

Showing Omi her new collection

Visiting my Grandpa's gravesite. It's the first time I had seen the headstone.

Crazy kid! Omi made sure to spoil him ;)

Love my sweet Omi. So grateful for our moments together.

And so grateful that my kids get to make memories with her too.

Cute kid!!

Next stop Ogden, UT! Had to visit Hill AFB.

Stinking cute cousins!!!

Love this sweet boy!

This museum was perfect for us! It had trains, Jonathan Browning stuff/guns, and even some old cars. You can imagine all the kids liked the trains. My kids and biggest kid liked the cars. And Jacob is actually related to Jonathan Browning... well I think to his father and sister. Anyways... family history and guns. All parties involved enjoyed themselves ;)

Sweet boy just wanted to spend all his time outside!

Pretty, pretty princesses!

Cousins and shaved ice! Yum! We got a cute video of them all sharing. It's on Instagram. So cute! Haha.

Headed home and we had to make a stop at Wilson Arch. No relation to this Wilson ;) The other mentioned Wilson names are definitely related and why our Wilson is a Wilson. Lol.

Kayla was not happy about this little hike. Hahaha!

Thanks random stranger for taking our pic.

And thanks to another random stranger for taking our pic at the four corners

Had to grab a souvenir. Little know fact... I collect turtles ;) I have a box full of them actually. I think it freaks Jacob out a little bit. But he still loves me... or puts up with me at least ;P

Rainbow after driving through rain to get back to Stephen and Gina's house.

Beautiful sunrise when we left the next morning!

Had to stop at the car museum in Santa Rosa. Last time we drove to Utah we stopped here. I was pregnant with Kayla... good times road tripping and being preggo ;P

Mater was parked outside the museum! Wilson is SO thrilled!!!

Jacob ran to the bathroom after a gas stop and I told him I wouldn't be mad if he brought me back something yummy... He did NOT disappoint!!! Hehe. Also, I finally beat his stupid high score on this stupid game. We started playing it honestly a few years ago. We both got really addicted and then stopped playing. But it's still be downloaded on the iPad. I play it every once in a blue moon. I had lots of time during the drive though and finally beat his score! I'm done playing now. Lol.

Sometimes I forget we don't live in Texas... In my defense though, we're only like 30 minutes from the Texas/Louisiana Border.

We are big Buc-ees fans. We needed to stop for gas, but we also needed to stop for food. Plus we wanted to stop at Buc-ees. And we were so sick of driving that we wanted to do it all at once. So... we pushed it all the way to 3 miles to empty to make it to Buc-ees for food, gas, and a Buc-ees fix. Hahaha. I was freaking out the whole time worried that we'd run out of gas. Jacob says he wasn't worried... but I think he was a little nervous. Lol.

2 hours left and you do what you gotta do to get through. Even if that means handing the kids the giant bag of fruit loops so that they're happy. Haha. Jacob also ended up getting pulled over with like 45 minutes left in our drive. He's been pulled over 3 or 4 times in the last year... and every time he gets away with a warning. I think it's because they know he's in the military... maybe. Either way he's dang lucky... and I'm grateful we don't have to pay for any tickets. Lol.

They were SO happy to be home again!! They destroyed the toy room in a matter of minutes as we started unloading the truck. Haha.

Had to stop and update some billing info when we got back to town. The kids were being SO cute and sweet!

Found this amazing deal at Dirt Cheap!! Originally like $80 and we got it for $8!!

Terrible twos for a not even two year old... Heaven help us ;P

He sure is pretty dang cute though!!!

Got some mail from cousins Brody and Elizabeth. How cute are these signs that Elizabeth made the kids!?

Stealing my phone and taking the cutest selfies <3

Went to Dallas to help Aunt Missy after surgery.

We also had been planning a trip to Waco to meet Gina. Fun times in Dallas and Waco... but bad timing for the extra driving. At least I've got some great little travelers.

Cute kiddos found their reflections.

Alyssa knows that Wilson loves this giant bear. She always pulls it out for him when he needs some cheering up. Lol.

Doing all things Magnolia!!


This little kids menu with a cute old truck and these adorable colored pencils... I just had to snap a pic ;)

It was good stuff!

And thanks to Gina's Mom for sharing these ^^ SOOOO GOOD!!

Janice joined us too. And not pictured is Gina's Mom. Such a fun little trip!

Another Dirt Cheap find ;) We got rid of her other Elsa dress a while ago. It was kind of shredding... She was thrilled to get to be Elsa again.

Not really attempting potty training... but kind of introducing him to it. He's not ready. So I'm good with not forcing it. Lol.

Being so sweet and melting my heart!

Came home from running errands with Wilson to find them both passed out. Lol.

Cute kids!

Such a beautiful sunset. Maybe Louisiana isn't so bad after all ;)

Gina and Nathan came to visit!!! Come back!

Cousins <3

Wilson was mad that I wasn't giving him more milk. He was trying to make a point. Hahaha!!

Eating Spaghetti

One evening Jacob was watching a youtube video about Ford Galaxies... aka Ruby. The next morning Wilson woke up and was crying because he wanted to watch "Ruby". Lol. So we sat and watched the youtube video again... a few times ;)

Pretty rainbow while running errands

Cute boy lining up his cars. I love him and this age. Well maybe not the tantrums... but everything else ;)

Elsa loves tea parties ;)

He is SO DANG cute!!! He wishes he was a big boy! He makes it look adorable ;)

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